One bear's quest to regain her kingdom and save the world.
The Rightful Bear: A Heroic Bear who aims to regain her kingdom. Quite shy and retiring. |
Mudwings: A noble griffin, friend to The Rightful Bear. Very fond of berries. |
Mr Blue: A wizard who likes lightening. |
Thorny: A halfling who is very good at creeping about and shooting things with his crossbow. Acts as Chief of Staff for The Rightful Bear. |
Alice Digit: A ranger of The Shield, wise in the ways of the wilderness. |
Mr Smith: A follower of Nathye. He can heal the sick and craft magical items in his forge. |
Mr Black: A librarian with a love of fire magic. Rarely seen without his magic mine cart. |
Miss Seed: A witch with a flying broom, dangerous lightening spells and a hatred of goblins. |
Mr Green: A dragonborn. Devoted to Anew, the god of war. Enjoys a fight. |
Herald Elf: Herald to the Queen of the High Elves. Bemused by short lived mortals. Can turn into a moth, apparently. |